Help me God

Help me God!
Life can be incredibly hard.
All sorts of issues or problems can overwhelm anyone. You might be pleading to God right now. You might be crying out, not sure that there is a God at all. Whatever your situation, please read on…
Emergency contacts:
First, if it’s an emergency and you are in the UK, please call the emergency services on 999. Calls are free.
Another option is to contact the Samaritans. They offer confidential, non-judgemental emotional support. Call 116 123 or visit
If you are aged 18 or under, call 999 in an emergency. Or call Childline, day or night, on 0800 1111. Or visit for help and advice.
Can we help?
People cry out to God in all sorts of situations. For some, this is new territory. They are not sure where to start or what to say. Christians believe that there is a God and He loves humanity deeply. He cares passionately about absolutely everybody and wants people to talk to him by praying. Christianity teaches that you don’t have be good or have lived a good life to talk to God. (The Bible says that one of the last people to talk to Jesus Christ before he died was a convicted robber who was being crucified next to him.)
You might be familiar with the idea of prayer… but it might be something completely new to you. There is no set formula. You can use whatever words you want. You cannot ‘get it wrong’. But, if you need inspiration, here are some words that might help you:
‘God, if you are there, help me. I am reaching out to you because I don’t know what else to do. Thank you that you hear me and care about all of my needs. Please be with me right now and let me know your presence, your comforting arm around me. Please show me what I should do next. Thank you that you love me, whether or not I love or even know you. Please guide my feet, and be with me as I try to work out what to do. Amen’
Christians usually finish prayers with the word ‘Amen’. But you don’t have to.
If you’d like to speak with someone about Christianity or spirituality more generally, please contact us by clicking on the blue square (bottom right of your screen), and we’ll get back to you in person as soon as possible.
If you are a Christian facing opposition or persecution for your faith, please go to our dedicated page.