The Basics
What is Christianity all about?
Christianity is the world’s biggest religion, and yet many people don’t know very much about it. If you’re one of those, then this is a great place to start!
Did you know, for example, that Christianity isn’t about going to church, or doing good things? It’s about having a relationship with God. This is what makes it different to other religions. Christians don’t have to depend on trying extra hard to be good, but celebrate the fact that Jesus gave his life in our place, so that simply by trusting in him, anyone can have that relationship with God. That’s why Christianity is called ‘Good News’.
We’ve pulled together a few articles here to guide you through the basics. But if you can’t see what you’re looking for, just search, or better still, click the blue square and start a conversation with a real-life Christian. We will gladly answer any question, big or small.
Who is God?
God is central to the Christian faith and these articles aim to give you a greater understanding of who he is.

What is God like?
The Bible gives us glimpses of God and tells us about some of his characteristics - his love, compassion, power and creativity.
How do I get started?
These article are of a more practical nature, aiming to give you insight into the hows of the Christian faith.

How to read the Bible
Reading the Bible is much easier if you follow some simple steps and get prepared. And, as you delve into it, you might find that you are more familiar with the Bible than you expected: it crops up in everything from Shakespeare to Hollywood movies; it’s inspired musicians, historical figures and campaigners.
Further reading
Here are some articles that may introduce some new things about the Christian faith you didn't know. Please don't hesitate to ask us anything you like by clicking on the blue square. We look forward to chatting with you soon.

What is salvation?

What is love?

Sin, Satan and hell

Bible content: An introduction


Are all religions worshipping the same God?